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So I think as you mentioned on our game, physics are hard! I found particularly the dash and boost mechanics had less control than I would have liked. It's definitely super hard and the random element was interesting, but sometimes I think the levels were too hard with the cards that were dealt. 

I'd have liked it if it maybe only dealt a few jumps at the beginning to ease you in, throw in a boost here and there so that you can start to get used to the discard and shuffle mechanic and then start to add dash's and others later on.

Super fun game though, I enjoyed playing it and extremely innovative! The card aspect is actually really fun and the audio was probably one of my favourite parts! A lot of potential there!

Those DASH and BOOST moves are meant to be limited, basically so you're forced to use them in combos with other moves. For instance, I didn't want you to easily move side to side while using BOOST because that would negate the purpose of the JUMP move. I'll be sure to revisit how those mechanics work when I get back to developing the project.

Thanks for all the good feedback, and I'm glad you had fun. You're absolutely right that the game could benefit from easing the player in. I'll be working on that very soon.