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Interesting little puzzle game. I really liked the movement mechanic. I also liked that the double dice allowed to to choose to move to one area OR another instead of the sum. I feel like the fact you have a limited number of rolls could have been a little better communicated. But overall it was good. 

Thank you so much!! I'm really glad you enjoyed playing the game. I super agree I did not do a good job of communicating the roll limit, and it also seems like the fact that it exists has caused some controversy haha. Thank you for your time and feedback, I'll be sure to check your submission out!

Ah man, I can't seem to launch your game on my Mac! Got another build I could try?

Unfortunately if the mac build isn't working for you, there isn't too much I can do on my end. Sorry :(

Gah, no I'm sorry I can't play your game :/


It's alright. Enjoy the rest of the jam though! :)

You too!!