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Simple fun, put together neatly! There might only be one basic interaction to the game, but unlike a lot of jam games, this one feels quite jank-less! 

The one thing I don't feel fits quite is the music, but other than that the game seems like it's accomplishing its goals in all aspects!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for playing! I'm not a composer at all, so I had to find a music that best fits the theme. And since there is a time limit, I didn't have much time finding one that fits best.

All in all, thank you for the kind words and appreciate you for noticing the jank-less-ness of the game !


I can relate to the music issue, particularly as a solo dev! I myself ended up just picking something old of mine!


Haha, I had the same problem... 1 hour before the deadline: trying to find decent music...