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hiro is sus

No comment, hehe. Curious though, did you make it through the whole demo? There's so much waiting to be revealed in each route... I hope you are prepared.

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I didn't know what to say to him!! D: lmao I like aiden and am curious about Donovan.btw why on earth does mc think it's a good idea to walk through the poor district in the victorian era O_O 

Ooo, glad you like Aiden, and yes, Donovan is interesting once you get past the rough exterior. Can't speak to the habits of the MC... I suppose she's not about to be told what she can or can't do.

she would have likely regretted it irl lmao

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Yes, the rise of "hooliganism" and a decline in Chaperones meant that young ladies took it upon themselves to defend against such risks. Hatpins were a popular weapon of choice.