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This was so beautifully rendered. I really love the way you thought outside the box by creating a game entirely driven by decision screens, including the combat. It makes for a more visually appealing game than some concepts that can be done in GB studio.

Very impressed that this much unique artwork could work in the game as well, as I understand there's a 4MB limit on data and assets.

thank you so much for the kind words! Yeah memory limitation was a huge struggle. This version is 2.1MB but there’s one where I did go over the 4MB limit. Working on maybe one day that version being the Traumatarium DX perhaps haha

Am I right that once you get to the Evil Spirit, you either beat it or die, and that's where the game ends for this version?

without spoiling it yeah once you defeat the final monster in the Traumatarium it’s the end of the game. It allows you to go back even afterwards though to any of the previous dungeons