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Ok guys, I have read a lot of these "Man this guy is sorta sus" kind of comments and (POSSIBLE SPOILERS, WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK) 

I swear is it just me, or are Ross, Hoss and Dean always the suspected ones? I can definitely understand why but I think that's actually the reason they may not be the traitors. I have a huge fear and please, if someone can deconfirm my theory, please do. I am highly scared.

I put a sort of "scale" of which character is more suspicious than the others and Ive got something like this (or atleast in my opinion) :

1. Roswell

2. Dean

3. Hoss

4. Orlando 

5. Sal

6. Tyson

It's clear it most likely is not Tyson, and I think Hoss/Dean are simply red herrings. Roswell is highly sus but I think maybe it's on purpose. I also doubt it's Sal. 

And that just leaves Orlando. 

I don't know, I really am scared, because he seems to be somewhat in the middle, and nobody really suspects him. What if he really was the traitor? 

From my personal experience, it's like "kind" people are the most likely to hide something very dark behind them. 

I just really don't want to believe this, I know, it's a stupid theory, but I have so many suspicions. Orlando is my fav, and that would really hurt a lot-

But that's when I found something strange. 


This is the file name for Orlando's death scene. Most of these CGs are usually "characterdead", except some of the alternative paths' CGs and two characters : Orlando and Roswell. (I will not say what Ross' is though.)

Most people could think "Oh isnt that because Orlando opened the vault or something" 

Valid point, but it feels so weird to see Orlando's death file named like this. 

I think Grizz is planning something for Orlando, and I have a huge fear he may be the traitor. 

Yea it's really only a dumb theory but I really have fear it could be reality. 


I mean, if it meant anything I wouldn't have hidden that information in files that aren't normally accessible by the player, thus why they're archived.

Also, there seem to be a few characters missing from your list.


Oh I meant just the main ones-

And yea ig that's fair, I theorize too much myself lmaoo


Pretty sure Orlando failed because he went down to the vault to try save Dave but then that happens, so whatever Orlando saw in the vault can happen with no one to stop it.

Hmmm... You're right. 

But do you think Orlando may still have a chance to be the traitor?... 


Think its very low, he doesn't seem to like thanatos and is too squeamish to kill anyone. Can't see him shooting someone or anything.

Totally fair, that reduces my fears a bit. It could always be possible, but honestly I just really hope it's just my brain playing mind games on me dhxhchcbbc

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Well ask yourself would Orlando be Hypnos considering what they make sal do? Regardless of Orlando getting Thanatos to tell Sal what to do or telling Sal himself, Orlando would still be apart of that. Can you see him doing it?

He could still be pulling a facade or something but you're right, most likely not


Hoss would likely know that orlando is putting up a facade since he mentioned that dave and orlando have certain signs that tell him if they're lying.

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At least speaking in terms of the core 6, I've always found Dean the most suspicious. Of being the traitor I mean, not the mastermind since I think they're different characters. The mastermind, Thanatos' true master, I assume hasn't even been alive for who knows how many iterations at this point.

But I'll agree that Orlando has been raising a few more flags lately. My entire reason for never really suspecting him was that he was "too nice" to have anything darker going on. But that's a poor reason in the end, it just means he's unassuming.

Do I think he's bad? No. But do I think he'd do anything to keep Dave safe? Yes. Including a deal with his dad, even if that deal doesn't include any of the others. Sal even brings up the possibility of Orlando trying that.

Think to all the bad endings we've gotten so far too. In each of them, Orlando seems to disappear (I assume dead) or outright die. Except for one. In Dean's bad ending, Orlando gets to run his dream bakery far away. His dad outright hates him, but for some reason lets that happen? After the trial over Dean's death as well.  But why? Did Orlando do something to earn that?

I'm just excited. We're getting to the point in the story that all the revelations will start being uncovered. Really looking forward to the moments of "Oh my god that's what that meant!" or the far more abundant "Wow I was so off base here."


I think this is more like a natural fear for our favorite route character to be the culprit. It also happens to me, I get overly sensitive to the things my fave one says and does and I'm like please, don't let him be the one who is doing all this at the end, even if maybe there is a chance there is a not so evil motive for all this (Like starting all these cycles so at the end they find one with a miracle or low probability scenario... or maybe I should just stop watching Higurashi before reading the novel)


I'm even worried that Grizz may plan some shit like "Your route character is actually the traitor so it changes everytime haha" LIKE IMAGINE HOW HEART BREAKING IT WOULD BE HXHCHCHF


Okay but that'd also be a horrible thing for scope management and would mean that every clue needed to be so generic to apply to everyone, that by this stage we'd have no ranking as to who was the most suspicious given most people only play between 1-3 routes