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(2 edits)

So as a Mac user, would I simply have to download the source code and then use pyinstaller to package for my machine again? Or would more modding be required such as editing the code. Just got here from your video ;D

EDIT: After packaging myself with pyinstaller and running the source code, its kinda breaks. All the text is highlighted in white and some features don't work. Nevertheless, amazing tool and programming, understandable why it doesn't work on Mac. :)

I've talked to some of the Pygame developers about it (this has been occurring with my other projects when people try to run it on Mac) and supposedly the lower level stuff that SDL (which is what Pygame runs on) is interfacing with for Macs is completely different from what Windows/Linux use. This ends up causing a bunch of inconsistencies.

Oh no wonder the problems with the graphics stuff. The basic functionalities like buttons seem to be working, because their coded with pygame/tk(?)

iirc, it's specifically graphics related stuff that's very different, so the actual buttons and logic should be more reliable.

Yeah I ran it again, the buttons n stuff do properly "click" and detect the mouse hovering etc