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Definitely too short, I was starting to get intrigued and then it ended. I wanna know what Grandma is up to!!
I like the art style, and agree with HilmB that the door confirmations aren't necessary, it just slows things down. Other than that, I'd like to see where this goes, so good luck with it, I hope you find the free time to expand on it. Cause seriously, what's the deal with Grandma and her crystals... She's up to something ಠ_ಠ


Haha, sorry it was so short- took lots of time fix issues and such since I didn't want to release (even though it's an early access demo) a buggy game. :P

I have heard now from three people that the door confirmations are terrible. XD An extra question for you though: should I remove the text explaining what the room you're about to enter is too? Or is it fine for you?

Glad to hear the story intrigued you, I have more planned for Grandma in the future. ;)

Thank you for your feedback and how you took time to play the game, I hope to add in more interesting gameplay as I expand~


Hmm, I don't think the explanation text is necessary, but if you really want to relay what room/area the player is about to enter, maybe something like a text pop up over the door instead of the symbol?

Nice idea! I'll take that into consideration!~

Thanks again for the feedback!