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mega fun,really liked it!

Well,i`ve done it!

It took




of procrastination

but i`ve done it!

the pinnacle of human entertainment!


Awesome game and I think I will be buying the steam version of the game because this was genuinly fun to play. Its weird and wacky humour with its cartoony asthetic wook so well together. Anyone who has not played this game needs to download it and play it because it is brilliant. 

The only flaw is that I couldn't pick up the bugs and throw them around the room and for a physics game such as this, that was a bit of a disappointment but overall, the game is fantastic to play. They lied to us. Gods are not humanlike at all. They are tentacle aliens from another planet here to control us. GODS ARE ALIENS.


Awesome  game,  i love thhe concept and it reminded me alot of hand simulator, i had a lot of fun, great job!

Not exactly what I envisioned being God as, but I enjoyed it all the same. Too bad I suck at multi-tasking...


Great job once again! It looks better, it plays better, it IS better. I loved it just as much as the first time and i will eventually get around to playing the full thing :D

Thanks for all the kind words, glad you enjoyed the demo and I hope that full game will make you like the game even more ;)


I enjoyed this one, JUST AS MUCH as the alpa/beta I might have made it farther, you know I love your tracks, the music was FIRE like REALLY Good, Ima need that soundtrack! haha could not help but dance 50% of the time, I liked the mechanics, the twists of using a arm simulator was challenging, but not too difficult! can't wait to try the game out, and I will definitely do a game play on that, loved this! :D

Hey! Thank you very much for checking Godly Corp once again! The full OST isn't available anywhere yet but i will let you know if that changes. However, many of the tracks used in the game are from this artist, enjoy!


OH YES you best believe Ima check them out, thank you guys! :D haha


Thank you for the heads up on the update, Matt loved the improved grapics.

Thanks for playing the new demo, glad you enjoyed it!

Matt was  even more proficient with the tentacle than the last time ;)


New demo new video


Thank you very much for re-visiting Godly Corp!

Sorry about 'minor' glitches, will try to polish it ASAP

(1 edit) (+1)

It was top notch. I loved the humor!


Hey!  Thanks for the kind words! 
You really quickly got comfortable with that tentacle!

Thanks, something about it made it feel so...familiar.


I played this game months ago, but it's even funnier and more silly than I remember! The new graphics update looks amazing compared to it before. Hope the steam release goes well tomorrow! Hope guys enjoy the video! 

Thank you very much for playing the demo again! Glad you enjoyed this 'enhanced edition' ;)


Well sorry it took me 6 months to respond to your email,but if it makes you feel any better i really enjoyed the game and hope for more updates in the future!
(1 edit)

This game was very strange but a lot of fun, I found myself smiling and cracking up the whole time I played. It feels like a fusion of Surgeon Simulator and Octodad, which is a good thing since both those games have been well received and are a blast to play.  I had a hard time figuring out how to grab things, but thats because I have a tendency to be a little dense haha. You can watch my lets play below, but to really experience this game give it a try yourself!


Very fun concept, and it controls pretty well. Good luck with the full release!

I clicked off a few times during the space level, so that's the one thing I would say to look into.

(1 edit) (+1)

Matt really enjoyed this, here's our channel link if, anyone would like to see his let's play.

(3 edits) (+1)

I enjoyed your game

here is the link to my channel if you want to subscribe or see my other videos:

here the video


Such a fun game with lots of memes!

I loved the Polish poster on the wall aswell!

Great job, can't wait for more levels in the future!

My gameplay:

Glad you liked the game and recognized so many classic memes! And you even noticed the poster. Hopefully the full release will be even more fun to play for you!


Super fun and entertaining simulator game!!!!

That's some next level editing! Thank you for the video and happy to hear that you liked the game.


(◎ー◎;)I'm Fine. sure, meteorites and hammers why not. (Final Level)

Fun times protecting the universe and whatnot, 1 fist into my monitor out of 10 headaches! (一。一;;)

Ha, nice to see that you completed to demo. That's true that game can be pretty rage inducing but you did pretty good in that level ;)


loved your game! Will be finishing it soon, I want sure what to think the 2nd level definitely took me by surprise! 

Yeah second level in the demo  has a pretty nice twist, glad that you enjoyed playing the game :D 
And just a fair warning that last level is even more hectic ;)


I had an absolute blast playing through Godly Corp! The physics are hilarious and the game is such a funny experience! I can't wait for the full release of your game! Also Thank you for reaching out to me and telling me about your game!  

Thank you very much for making the video, happy to hear that you liked the game. Full release will be even crazier, we can promise you that ;)


love it


A nice addition to the wacky physics genre. It was pretty tough though! Lots to do in a short amount of time. Switching between different items to save myself was especially difficult. Seems to be coming along well for an early demo. I recorded some of my time with it below. Good luck with the project!


Thanks! Also that's a nice editing and pretty funny commentary, glad that you liked the game!



Un concept super original j’ai tout simplement adoré! Je crois être une bonne recrue pour la gestion de planètes ;)


That's great game! I really played Fun!
재밌게 즐겼어요 :)


So thanks for reaching out to me, I didnt finish but I think I did pretty well the game mechanics were shifty at first but figured them out! I thought the mechanics for this game was really amazing! and creative! I really loved it and would love to know when you do more!

Thanks for making the video, really happy that you enjoyed the game! We will let you know once the game is released ;)

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