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A member registered Apr 13, 2017 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

I absolutely loved this game! The mechanics were a lot of fun to use and get the hang of

This game was fun. The puzzle was a little confusing but I did like the vibes!

This game was super fun, I definitely gotta get better at it

This game turn quite a gew turns I was not expecting, great work!

I loved the style and I loved the mechanics. Great work!

This game was fun, i did break it a few times

This game was a lot of fun, the twist was even better!

I definitely felt the inspirations of this game and you absolutely nailed it!

I think this game was pretty good. Keep it up!

I actually cannot express how much I adore this game. Visually stunning!

Loved this game, the whole aesthetic was amazing!

This game was wild, it just kept getting deeper

This game took the craziest turn I was NOT expecting!

This was a cool game, loved the concept

This game was good. Very sad, a nice change of pace

(1 edit)

This was really interesting. I completely forgot I was playing a demo and got really bummed the

re wasn't more!

This game was really cool. The world building was really well done

This game was good, the story just felt a little disjointed at points

This game was so fun, but so HARD. I'll have to try to beat it sometime

This game was great, I wish there was more lore!

This game was fun. The pacing was a bit off, but it still had all the good elements a game needs

I loved this game. The whole fairy tale vibe of it was amazing

Great game, great concept. I'm a big pizza fan myself 10/10

This game was weird in the best ways possible

I love me some egg fried rice, but not enough to die over it

This game was really fun, and really stressful

This game was solid. Definitely a little abstract at times, bit eventually i figured it oit! Thanks for reaching out to me

This game was really weird and cute, and then just weird, and then horrid. Great work!

Fun game, and a unique concept!

This game was great, I absolutely cannot wait to see more!

This was super fun, I can't wait to see more!

(1 edit)

Loved this game, got a little confused, but thats definitely on me

Thisbgame was very strange, and left so many unanswered questions. Great work!

This game was so good, I loved how action packed it was

This game was great. It checked off my whole list of a good weird game that makes me feel icky when it over!

This was a fun game with a great twist ending!

This game was great! I definitely got frustrated at points, but it was purely my own dumbness

This game was really fun, I can't wait to see more!

This game was really cool, I didn't dare tread the depths for the second ending though, too spooky for me

This game was the perfect blend of weird and engaging, I absolutely loved it