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Sorry for all the comments.

You spent such a long time reviewing other people's games, I thought I'd give some better feedback than just it's an amazing game.  Again, love this game, best game of the jam - from the music, the aesthetics, to the real selling point: the just overly fun mechanics. 
I'd like to see a level indicator so I know where I am (my game also didn't have one ironically haha) or something letting me know a boss is coming up.
I'm a fan of non-traditional tutorials and you did that well with the text in the background. Maybe on level one, have the text flash once to make it a little more apparent that it's advice.
The last boss, you might want to consider him skipping a turn every 5 turns or so as once he gets next to you, there's not much you can do.
When you die, maybe have something flash on the screen ESC to return (I know it's on the upper right side already though).
Shooting through walls (actually to be honest I like this aspect a lot) might not appeal to some people.
Enemies also won't move from behind walls on their own (which could be considered a strategic point in gameplay or some necessary AI tweaks).

thanks for the feedback! Those are all really good points haha, the AI and is definetly more a consequence of time tbh haha. 

I'm very happy you like the game alot!!