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Yeah the devs a bit of a fucking retard.


yeah except getting healing is fucking impossible.


you fucking idiot. the thing is that you aren't supposed to get hit. plus it's a new game, so it's balancing is naturaly not perfect.

learn to dodge in a bullet hell or just cope fucking asshole.


Sebine, if you really think this is a major problem, you can join the discord server and say what you think needs to be fixed instead of  yalling into the void:

never had a problem with that. if iam on 1 hp and get that item i mostly got weapons already to just heal me in 1 min for 2 hp. Attack speed with lightnings every hit is just nice for that. so 60bullets in 10 sec but with getting 3 bullets back or 33% without bullet consum while standing still. TL;DR No Ammo use and huge Attackspeed is sick af if you are too bad and get hit all time to heal yourself.
