I am loving this game! I got it in a bundle on itch.io at some point, but I'm enjoying it so much I bought another copy on Steam for a friend of mine.
One small thing that's driving me a bit bananas, however:
I'm playing on a controller (Xbox 360 wired) and everything works great, but the horn button is mapped to clicking in the left stick (button L3). When things get tense, that left stick gets (accidentally) clicked A LOT, and the combination of the noise and the passenger moving back and forth on the platform is very frustrating, I assure you.
[edit] I also just noticed it turns the auto-levelling on/off at the same time as honking the horn [/edit]
I've looked and looked, but is there a way for me to change a config somewhere so that function isn't mapped to that button (Horn is already mapped to button B quite adequately)?