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(1 edit)

Gave it a try.  Disappointingly (and confusingly), whilst the auto-levelling is now not toggled by the clicking of the left stick (L3 button), the horn still is.

I tried uninstalling/reinstalling just in case (of something?), and I'm using the Win64 version, but yeah... close but no cigar?

(1 edit)

Did you change the settings?

The default is still the same, because I'm using the left stick honking and right stick landing gear function a lot. It's convenient, so your fingers don't have to leave the sticks.

But you can change this in the settings now.


Oops, didn't realise it was in the settings.

All changed now, thank you.  :)

Now I can spend less time cursing you for the controls and more for those abominable missiles!  :)

Hehe, yay... I think. :)