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Great use of trifold to make a One Page Dungeon style scenario! Seems like it's both atmospherically and mechanically tense. I like the concept too - I expected something about brainwashing on account of the Dollhouse show, but was pleasantly surprised with the theme here.

On the other hand, it seems like it'd be a bit of an arbitrarily executed grindhouse once the doll is collected. I don't see any way for the players to 'play smart' and circumvent or prepare for dangers. 

Could be a good funnel session. It feels so close to being perfect to me, like it just needs some small tweak to make player agency matter more.

Hard to make 'scary doll' stories scary, but I think there's some real latent tension in this one. I got House Of Leaves / Minotaur vibes. Well done with the layout and atmospherics!


Thanks for the feedback! I completely agree on the lack of agency after the doll is picked up. I wonder if there's something in the players choosing between the House OR the Hostiles table, or pre rolling for each of the 3 exits and then deciding.


I've been mulling on this. I think if (when?) I run this Mother and Father will proactively navigate the map once the doll starts crying, setting difficulties up for the team. Move or set up a trap every time the PCs move or delay for a while. Roll on the random table for the trap, jot it down on the map, hint at it as PCs enter the room to give them a chance to be proactive.


Nice thoughts! Could foreshadow things a bit too - having mother/father roaming from the beginning but not hostile until the doll is retrieved.