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Your game is really nice, I managed to finish it on my second run :) . The graphics are simple, but it's good that it changes, the music sticks perfectly to the atmosphere "lack of time" of the game, the tasks are diversified. I noticed a small display bug when the character passes in front of the time, and I thought that answering the questions wrongly was going to penalize me but no! I also liked the old person who told me his life, and made me lose a precious time, very realistic ! I also would have liked a button to restart the game, after my first run ;) . Good luck for the Jam :) .

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback and thanks a lot for playing! I know about the graphics glitch with the timer and after some research post-jam it seems it may happen when there are too many actors on the same line but I wasn't able to fix it before the jam was done.

Also, funnily enough if you fail to get home before the timer runs out you get a retry button but I honestly didn't think about giving that option after a successful run.  I'll probably change those things once the voting is over so I appreciate the help!