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Wow what a great game! You really made something very good here! Great choice in music and art! Sometimes the right parts to evolve would not spawn and I would have to wait quite a while for rng to get in my favor, maybe you could tweak it in such a way that the components you are missing are more likely to spawn or something? I also could not always spawn into another body after death :(


Thank you, glad you liked it! The parts are just spawned randomly, so you often have to wait a lot. I'd have wanted to make sure things appear for certain after some time, but didn't get to that before the deadline. Hm, not being able to "possess" another body is new to me. Do you mean, nothing compatible (a small blue creature) showed up, or you just couldn't take it over?


I first tried to posses a non blue one, since some seem to still have a colour and not the white/muted colour of the ones you cannot "possess", which would also be a great feature but when I noticed that that was not possible I kept waiting for a long while for a blue one to appear.


I see, thanks for the feedback!