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I saw on your game's main page that this was the first time working on GameBoy for both of you - amazing!!

I had fun playing it (best score I got was 54); it's a very unique mechanic that is very cool to see used with GB Studio. I'm assuming that the portal mechanic was made using triggers and setting player position?

There were a couple of parts that I thought were glitches at first but began to realize that it's part of the game. Mainly the parts where the portal takes you into the air and the player is basically walking on an invisible platform, but other times it takes you into the air and gravity will pull the player down.

Overall, graphics, sound, gameplay, everything was nice! Good job y'all :D


Thanks for trying it!  That's a great score too! I use up my actors for the portals, so they could move, they had a script that moved the player, and had it change state to display the porting animation. Some of the clouds are platforms in disguise.

We overestimated the graphics capabilities, and YiNa had made a bunch of great assets we couldn't use.

After playing through it again, I see what you mean about the clouds as platforms. Maybe it's because I played on a non-backlit GBC that I didn't notice them the first time.