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(3 edits)

I know I didn't actually conform to the theme. I ran out of time unfortunately (started on the last day).

The idea was that there would be multiple floors and enemies the player had to fight on/with. If the player manages to survive the wave, they go down to the lower floor. If the player is killed, they go back to the previous floor, hence "death is only the beginning" in its literal meaning.

I made a global timescale that I wanted to use to slow down everything to a halt, and proceed to the next/previous level in a cool animation in front of the camera where the enemies and projectiles would go into a gradual slowmo. But because I ran out of time, there's just the one level and I didn't really have time to figure out the logistics of it, so to say. You can still see it taking effect when you win/lose.

If you're wondering why I'd make my own global timescale factor instead of using the Time.timeScale (this project is made in Unity), that's because Unity's timeScale is completely global and denies me any choice on what it affects and when. With my own scale factor, I have total control over it.

(1 edit) (+1)

It's really fun. And the time scale is an interesting thing I will want to look into. .. p.s. And my wife said your game is addicting.

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I'm glad the missus and you had fun playing it! It'll probably be one of these projects that I'd like to come back to and continue on for fun.. god knows when though.

If you'd like to look into my implementation of the time scale, check it out in GameManager script. It's a static value that's controlled by 2 coroutines and the script sends events when scale is changed for when you only need the value at certain times.


Thanks for the reply. I will look at your code and how you did it. There is a lot of interesting things you can do by being selective about time in your scene.


It's a fun game for being made in just one day.

It seems like you had a bit of a planning issue. To show off the going up/down levels mechanic, which is core to the theme, a good starting point would've been to make at least two playable levels, just with different enemy sprites. Then use a simple transition to move between the levels, even a cut to black would be fine. After that, if you had spare time, then think of adding cinematic camera animations and slo-mo effects.

Good luck on future projects!

Thanks for the tips! I agree, I should've focused on the themes' core mechanic first before anything else. It's funny how much time goes into the little things like player movement and such.