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This is really cool man, I enjoyed wandering around the apartment and finding clues to crack the password. The game also receives bonus points for having a copy of The Room on DVD (the greatest film ever made). One issue I noticed is that when you enter the password screen, you can't exit (the x seems to softlock), which makes it a lot harder to solve since you only get one chance to get information. That aside though, I really enjoyed it. Good job :)

Oh man! 😔  I couldn't recreate this issue. It was an issue in a very early version but that was long before it came to posting this listing. You're definitely meant to be able to exit and retry. Originally you used the escape key to do this, but web browser security means you can only hide the cursor on a click - so that option was removed and the "x" is now a button.

Could be a browser issue, could be a platform issue. Will keep hunting. If anyone else experiences this issue please post with browser version and platform. I'm on Chrome 101 (Mac OS X), Safari 15.1 (Mac OS X) and Edge 101 (Windows 11). Could also be a small screen resolution issue if the content overlapped on full screen.