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Don't be sorry it's okay. It's my first time trying to create something like that so i still lack of  experience. English is not my main lenguage and with dyslexia it's even worse x). But anyway I'm not sure i will continue this project, but still thanks for your time

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Sorry didn't mean to discourage you. If you really want to do something you can get better at it. You just need time and a bit of guidance from fellow devs can speed that up.

But some things like learning grammar, story writing need time/effort.

You did not discourage me, i have the same opinion. Don't worry.

(2 edits)

maybe you can find someone or a friend that can fix the grammar/spelling errors?

I would like but I don't know anyone to do that and i can't pay an editor x)

Is there any way to contact you? iImay know someone that would be willing to help out with that for free. It's just a thought if you wished to continue or work on another project.

If you want my discord : .nightmaredrake