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Might be unpopular opinion, but I don't think this radio silence is ok at all. People paid money, so it's a responsibility, not a fun little side-project done at leisure. Setbacks are fine, lack of communication is not. All the author's going to succeed in is making people less likely to back any possible future project of theirs, or just ks projects in general.

I hope that everything's well as much as anyone but, yeah.


I agree with this. I mean delays are inevitable, but is a person truly too busy to take 5 minutes of their time to update people who have supported them and put their trust in them? I mean I get that nervousness when you go past deadlines, but professionalism is key.

Deleted 5 years ago

Just to be clear: despite my earlier comments, I am completely on your side on this issue. As a backer, I’m absolutely frustrated at the lack of updates ever since they first started lagging behind on them. Sadly, even though I and many others have pleaded for ANYTHING even once a month to indicate the developers were still engaged in the project, there have been no results or acknowledgement from them on improving (that I know of). This is definitely not ok and something the author will have to prove they’ve fixed before I feel comfortable backing a future project.

That being said, it’s been years since I backed this project and I have come full circle and am now trying to stay cautiously optimistic since the project doesn’t seem completely abandoned yet. I get that not many people are at this stage and they’re right to be angry, I’m just tired at this point so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. I’ve got enough negativity in my life, you know?

Good luck to you all. :)

Deleted 5 years ago

same tbh, same... i agree with what you said. there's this agreement between developer and backers where we help this project come to life and the developers get their hands on what they scripted. Needless to say, shitcan happen but they are breaking it by not keeping in touch with us. We are by no means forcing them to work, or pressuring them to finish it; that should come from them, both from their passion for this project and responsibility with us. And at this point I see none.