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Wow. Your feedback is incredibly useful, I appreciate that very much!!

I agree that signing is a difficult challenge to describe in a novel, so I'm working with a group to discover and invent a method to attempt. One day, we hope to make it happen!

Parts of Eric's trauma- I certainly have a plan for it. Eric (Charos in this case) will have flashbacks that describes the trauma further and much deeper. I believe you (and other readers) will learn more as chapters go by. However, I'm going to take a look at Chapter One and see if I could sneak some details in to give it a little more fuller feeling.

For that specific scene where he get disoriented about gaining speech and hearing- you're correct on that. I'm going to improve on this and sell it stronger! :)

I can see that you have so much to say, perhaps we could take this to somewhere (Telegram perhaps?) and have a productive discussion! Really though, I'm so happy to have this constructive feedback. Thank youu ^_^

(1 edit)

Xou're very much welcome~ n_n I'd like to see xou guys keep going, and I know how rewarding and encouraging it is to do that when xou have more followers, so I'd like to see that happen for OOTW :3

I had an inkling from when I was reading that flashbacks might have been xour plan all along :p very glad to hear xou have so much planned out! :D And it seems xou're having fun doing it, which is the best part in writing because it really does translate into xour work^w^

Ah, apologies "^-^ for personal reasons, the only other platforms I'm currently on are Furaffinity and Twitter. If xou're inclined, I'm more than happy to discuss further on either UwU

but if not, know that I'll be stalking xou here on as xou guys bring us new updates~ .3./

Haha wonderful! Yes I do, it feels great. FA sounds good to me, I've just followed ya there! @CVillacho on Twitter is a good place to check since I post updates there more often. :)