Omg! 😲 This is such great news! 😭 I’m soooo flipping excited for this update! 😁 Wow, I didn’t expect to see news for this amazing VN, but now I really have something to look forward to! 😊 Keep up all the amazing work 💜
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PtK has been a feel good story for me from the first build, and it’s been so great following the story’s progress ☺️
After Ollie’s latest update, I have to ask… Is he autistic? I had an inkling from the beginning, but after this last build, I’m like, fully convinced he’s on the spectrum 😋 and if this is the case (or even if it isn’t) can I ask if he was contrived with ASD in mind?
Thank xou for reading, the compliments, and for the feedback! 😁
While keeping as close to Kael’s cannon as possible, we wanted to explore a different side of Vulgor, and for a relationship between him and Caelan to make sense, we needed to make Vul a little more aggressive than usual and for Caelan to become more submissive, so as the story continues, I hope that these changes make more sense 🙂
An amazing first build~! 😁 Xou really captured the emotions of each character well and also did a great job with laying out the foundations for the world we’re discovering 🙂
Love the art, the pacing, and the writting. I’m eagerly looking forward to where this tale might go~ 😌 thank xou for all the hard work xou’ve done 💜
[SPOILER] Will there be any sex scenes? Coz I quite literally found myself going “Ahhhw! 😖” when the first build ended like that 😅 what a tease! 😐
What a great story! ☺️ I enjoyed this as much as “When I Knew You”, if not a little more~ 😌 This tale is more mature in perspective than the first VN xou created - one which made me fall in love with xour writing style - but that definitely translates into the thought process of each MC from both VNs, which I believe is the hallmark of a good writer: being able to immerse readers in the lead character’s perspective 🙂
Xou do an amazing job of invoking strong emotions 😁 thank xou for sharing this captivating story with us 💜