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A member registered Nov 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Omg! 😲 This is such great news! 😭 I’m soooo flipping excited for this update! 😁 Wow, I didn’t expect to see news for this amazing VN, but now I really have something to look forward to! 😊 Keep up all the amazing work 💜

Thank xou so much! 😁 It’s been really fun shifting the focus to Vul and reimagining how differently things could have turned out if Caelan had paid more attention to the unruly black wolf 😋

PtK has been a feel good story for me from the first build, and it’s been so great following the story’s progress ☺️

After Ollie’s latest update, I have to ask… Is he autistic? I had an inkling from the beginning, but after this last build, I’m like, fully convinced he’s on the spectrum 😋 and if this is the case (or even if it isn’t) can I ask if he was contrived with ASD in mind?

Thank xou for reading, the compliments, and for the feedback! 😁

While keeping as close to Kael’s cannon as possible, we wanted to explore a different side of Vulgor, and for a relationship between him and Caelan to make sense, we needed to make Vul a little more aggressive than usual and for Caelan to become more submissive, so as the story continues, I hope that these changes make more sense 🙂

Hehe, we all felt the same way! 😁 We NEEDED a Vulgor route and just had to make it happen 😋

And thank xou for the interest! Hope xou enjoy the intro despite it being rather short 😌

Thank xou! 😁 Keesh did an amazing job with reinventing Vulgor, just wait till xou see the other sprites! 😊

Ah, that’s too bad, was really looking forward to some werebear action~ 😋 Thankx for the response, and keep up all the good work! 😁

An amazing first build~! 😁 Xou really captured the emotions of each character well and also did a great job with laying out the foundations for the world we’re discovering 🙂

Love the art, the pacing, and the writting. I’m eagerly looking forward to where this tale might go~ 😌 thank xou for all the hard work xou’ve done 💜

[SPOILER] Will there be any sex scenes? Coz I quite literally found myself going “Ahhhw! 😖” when the first build ended like that 😅 what a tease! 😐

(2 edits)

What a great story! ☺️ I enjoyed this as much as “When I Knew You”, if not a little more~ 😌 This tale is more mature in perspective than the first VN xou created - one which made me fall in love with xour writing style - but that definitely translates into the thought process of each MC from both VNs, which I believe is the hallmark of a good writer: being able to immerse readers in the lead character’s perspective 🙂

Xou do an amazing job of invoking strong emotions 😁 thank xou for sharing this captivating story with us 💜

Feng really did a great job with composing the music 😊 I’m glad xou enjoy it! 😁

And I wonder why Vul could be so angry and aggressive, hmm~? 😏 Maybe xou’ll find out in the next update, or maybe not~ 😉

Thank xou for reading and for the kind comments! 😁✨

Hehe, thank xou! 😁 Feng will appreciate the love for his music 😌 and might I inquire what message xou’re referring to?

Hehe, thank xou very much~ ☺️ The next VOLUME will be much longer! 😁

Omg, thank xou so much for the glowing review! ☺️ We really have poured our hearts into this project 😁

The first build is thankfully the shortest of the chapters, so expect much, MUCH more with VOLUME II! 🥳

Woohoo~! 🥳

Thank xou! 😁 VOLUME II will most definitely be much longer than the first chapter 😌

Whoop, whoop! ^^_

Hope xou enjoy! 😁 We promise that the next chapter will be nearly three times the length of this one! ☺️

It just released! 😁

Yes 😁

Thank xou! 😁 We’re so excited to share it today~ ☺️

I hope xour mind is too, coz we’re gonna blow it~ 😉

Thank xou! 😁 We’re so excited to finally share what we’ve been working on 🥳




We’re gonna do more than just tease~ 😉

Ooo, I never knew that! Now I’m really curious if he has any plans on revealing Vul in all his glory~ 😏

There will be plenty more teasing to come~ 😉


That’s a very good question! 🧐 I beleive so? I can imagine it’d work the same as it does in our world, where most holidays are based around historical events

Hehe, maybe we can help inspire Kael to draw nekkid Vul~ 🤞😋

The scene where Jehu and the MC “Get a snack”… I’ve never related to someone more than I do to Jehu in that moment 😔 those words he says about himself… I feel them way too deeply 😢

This story continues to surprise me in the best of ways with each following update 😌 I become so invested in the tale that I lose myself to it - even if just for a little while - and I think that’s really wonderful 💜

And we are very excited for xou to! 😁

Norman’s shocked expression is everything I could have hoped for 😁 He is too gosh darn cute~! 😊

Well, Joshua has stolen my heart 😐😂

Incredible work on the first release. Top dog marks all across the board 😁 xou guys have done a really great job. I’m very excited for the next release 😌

We just released news~! 😁

As a writer myself, I can really appreciate the effort it must take, but I can also imagine that it’ll provide xou with many opportunities. The first of which being able to choose whose perspective xou’ll see a sex scene in 😋

Excited to see what xou cook up! 😁

Can’t wait for xou to read what we’ve cooked up! 😋