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It's usually pretty easy for anyone to tell which uploaded files are shady ones at least for adult uploaded files. All you have to look for is these red flags.

1. Comments have been disabled.

2. Ones with disabled comments the game has almost always been converted to .EXE format.

They disable comments to prevent anyone from posting in the comments stating that this isn't the real DEV and that the file is in .EXE format when it shouldn't be and scanning them when you can will always throw up multiple virus warnings. I don't even bother downloading anything from this site if the comments are disabled.

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I hope for you that you use that advice as a rule of thumb rather than take it literally all the time. There are a few good games that don't have the comment section enabled. Tunic comes to mind.

Otherwise it's a good advice generally speaking. If nobody can review what the game is about, it's generally not a good sign that the game is worth playing/instaling.

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They have recently went through and removed most of these files from the adult section. I only download ones with comments disabled just to see if it's in .EXE format and run it through virus total and then report them and give whatever info I know. Most of the files that get uploaded with comments disabled are because they're uploading older files. Take the corrupting the intern that has been recently posted. First the name is spelled with no spaces while the real version has spaces the file is in .EXE format the uploader is not the owner and the game came out in 2016 and was abandoned April 26 2019.