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Ah ha, that makes sense. Personally, I prefer running everything in a window, so my workaround was a better fit for me than any properly behaving fullscreen mode would have been.

I think some kind of prompt or indicator might be a good idea. If it were my game, I'd probably lean toward having the other character respond to the fire going out and squeeze it in with that dialogue - though maybe that's not a good idea since it's easy to click through dialogue accidentally before having a chance to read it all.

One other thought on the re-lighting UI - since the bar was emptying, that made me feel like my embers were losing heat. Having the bar fill as it gets closer to being re-lit might be more intuitive.


wow we actually had the same thought process, I added in the refined version both a windowed option and a dialogue (if you enable tutorial dialogues) for lighting the fire back! There was the chance of you skipping it by accident, I initially just put an empty dialogue line before, but I just realized I already have a way to stop dialogue interactions with a timer. Also the bar growing instead of shrinking is a good idea, thank you!


Fantastic! :D