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Godot 3 is like unity but with no way to add extensions, everything has to be coded.

What do you mean by extensions? Like Add-ons for the engine?

There are plugins and you can extend with modules written in c++.  Are you referring to another type of extension?

I'm not sure. Aren't modules like scripts you can include into your own code and borrow variables or functions from that source?

You can include c++ modules and use them like another class.

i see it but some are outdated or coded wrong, it still doesn't make godot a easy to use software. the plugins are only 27 pages long with no way to build the game without coding.

(1 edit)

Besides extensions, does Unity offer instancing a scene within another scene? Like placing a scene on top on another scene.

Yes, you can have multiple scenes open at the same time as of late. Never used it so I don't know how reliable it is or how hard to work with, but I haven't heard any complaints about it.


I don't completely agree with that assessment, I've used some that are coded correctly.  Could you point to the ones you're talking about with the 27 pages or are coded wrong?  I also think Godot is easy to use software for a programmer, at least it was for me coming from GameMaker and Unity.  As far as building a game without coding, Godot has visual scripting.  I have zero experience using visual scripting with Godot, but in my opinion you won't be able to make a game of a certain quality without diving into some form of coding anyway.