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This was cool!

I'm not sure whether I was intended to grab a second battery from my own pod or not, but I did enjoy that there were multiple paths that I could take through the game.

I encountered some jankiness where the camera could become offset from the player position when toggling crouch on or off while moving. If you are using Tween.interpolateProperty() to move the camera transform, it might be better to use interpolateMethod() so that you can update relative to the player's current position every time the Tween ticks.

The ending that we have here felt a little abrupt, but I think it works well as a vignette that leaves room to imagine further adventures. If you do end up developing it into something bigger, I'd be love to play more.


Oh, I didn't realize the jankiness with the crouch.   Always glad to have someone point something out that needs fixed!

If time had permitted I was going to give more space around the pods.  It seems silly you can't get to everywhere around them.  I would have just required more batteries later on to compensate.

Yes!  Vignette is a good word for this!  The full idea is so much bigger, I just had to cut it off somewhere and I didn't want to leave players wandering around with nothing else to do.  I think a good take away here is to find a way to cap off the story a different way to give players some closure.  Or perhaps be devious and allude to even more?  Ha.

It's wonderful that people want more!  So I'll be working on this, especially since there's so much more to the story!
