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My undertale au fan idea, because everyone on this god forsaken planet has created one. This was inspired by AbsolLover666's game, go check it out, its dope: pls dont hate me pls)

AEwVS: Beneath the Rubble

Alice = T oriel

The Fat Pigeon = Flowey

Viktor = sans

Marzia = Papyrus

Doggos = Greater Dog

Mr Mix = Muffet

Chara = Albert

Asriel = ???

Phonty = Mettaton

Gregory = Napstablook

The Nani Pigeon = Temmie

The Head Teacher = Asgore

Anti-Breather and Freek-a-delka = The Amalgamates

And yeah, those are my current ideas for the AEwVS x Undertale cast. You guys can add ideas if you want(again pls dont h8 me for this).

Yes! Viktor’s gotta be Sans! XD *Megalovania intensifies* And Marzia’s gotta be Papyrus then, because I already see Viktor and Marzia as siblings for some reason. The rest of the character ideas are good, too, but I wouldn’t pick Albert as Chara. Albert is more pacifist I think, so he’s gotta be Frisk. Also, thank you for playing my game! It really means a lot to me.


No problem m8. The game looks pretty good so far, but its quite flawed with a few glitches. I would make a list of those glitches, but I'm tired as freak. One of the main glitches though is that the enemies that, when they follow you, if you are behind a wall next to the room they are in, instead of going around the wall to get to you they will continuously run into the wall until you move to them in order to free them.

Yes, I know about that. It’s not a glitch, it’s just how RPG Maker logic works. 😅 I have actually no idea how to fix this... And I don’t know about any other glitches, though. 🤔 Would be nice, if you could make a list.


Asriel would be the hyper-rare SUCC pigeon.

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If Albert would be Chara, he would have killed Viktor in the end, instead of just stopping him from saying his last sentences. 😅 And I think Freek’a’delka would be good for Omega-Flowey. 🤔

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This is getting kind of weird and cringy...

But you know what? The Follower would suit Chara better. Probably.