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This was a great game, I loved every second of it... Apart from the moment when it froze in the middle of the ending cinematic ^^' (I think my Internet connection is to blame for it though, not the game!) Kudos, and I will follow you "just in case".

PS : J'ai joué à la version anglaise par réflexe, je me referai le jeu en VO un de ces quatre :)

Thank you very much drzeuhl ! :-D

I'm sorry for the bug during the ending cinematic. This is my 1st game and there are flaws related to my lack of experience. Even if you had internet connection problems, it's my role as a developer to think about this kind of situation and find a solution. These are flaws that I will correct in a future game.
Thanks Again :-)

PS : La VO c'est la même chose avec des baguettes, du vin, du fromage et les créatures font la grève au lieu de t'attaquer.

J'essaierai donc la VO <3

XD :3