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"The wheel is at 10:51, now and forever now."

I had a blast once I settled into this one and started to understand the mechanics. I ended up making a simple map and plotting things out like a mini-heist, very satisfying. Good job on the story and characterization - the little nonverbal exchanges between the group, and the world are delightful, and I hope you will keep that aspect up if you make another OI for us!

As mentioned elsewhere, the battles occasionally killed Guruntum beyond my control, but with the frequent saves, not such a problem, and the battles never felt boring. Certain stacks of enemy were trivialized by Bade's new orthotics and Zaar's huge hammer, but anything with reapers stayed quite exciting.

I wasn't sure how I was meant to deal with the enemies near the end that walked into the room at the same time as me (so no ROOOAR). If I lost, I reloaded, stepped to that area again, held my position (ROOOAR) and held it one more time for initiative. I didn't like to rely on previous knowledge like that, but I guess with eternal recurrence...

I also fumbled around with the final encounter (took me some playing around to understand how to engage Concourse) and thought maybe I had to "double stop" the wheel (oops!), but I figured it out before coming to the comments.

Three things I didn't quite figure out:

How "death sensitivity" works - I don't think I saw anything happen with this.

What exactly the candle does - I used it, but not sure it altered anything?

What is OI, exactly? After three wonderful experiences, you'd think I would understand, but maybe I ate too much paste as a child.

Thank you for crafting (and recommending) such engaging experiences. I feel inspired to try and make some of my own now...

thanks for another great and generous comment - it's very rewarding to hear about your experiences with the OI games and especially with this one

re death sensitivity: guruntum takes a little look around before the action menu comes up if she expects an enemy to arrive in that room next turn. it plays a sound effect too, although it should be very quiet

re: the candle, it inhibits enemy healing - which in practice only applies to concourse

re: "OI", well, i think it started empty of particular meaning and it soaks up more over time. actually, from what you've shared with me, i'd say you understand pretty well

if you wind up doing some rpg making, i'd love to see the results, and if you use rm2k for it, you can call on me for help anytime

I might take you up on that! I've gotten rm2k running on my machine and taken a look under the hood at some of your work (nice feature).

I was sad to see that there isn't any DM capability on itch... and I don't really use social media - but I do have an account at which does have a DM system (I'm "null-painter-error" there) and it's generally a nice place (like itch) with a lot of free resources of all kinds which may or may not interest you (I do like the charm of rm2k default assets).

So, we could exchange emails safely via that site instead of in public? Or if there is some other strategy for contacting each other you prefer, let me know. Feel free to delete this post after, too.

sweet, i sent you a message there!