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If you don't mind me being a little blunt here the script really needs proofread. A lot of the words at least in English are in the wrong order or the wrong tense. The girls themselves are great (Ayase and Chitose are my favorites) and I'll continue playing it for now but the writing will need to be cleaned up at some point      

I welcome any sort of input that helps me improve, so don't worry. And yes, I need to go through the entire script and clean it up a bit. If you find any line of text that's awfully wrong, you can always press "S" in your keyboard to screenshot it and send it to me. I'll fix it.

Well I really only have the twins and the gamer girl left so I'll have to do another playthrough of the game at some point to get screenshots. 

On another note, I really like the other perspective feature it's fun seeing the side stories from the girls' perspectives. I kind of wish there were more of them.