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A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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In the game's main menu, you'll find a "Credits" button. I listed there the software I used to work on the game. And links to take you to their respective sites.

The youngest is 19

You need to read everyone's hints.

Those cheats stopped working several versions ago, you need to update. And a cheat to increase girl stats might break things, so I need to think about that one.

Some of the backgrounds are from places I took from my phone's camera, some others are stock images. To make everything blend together, I used a few filters in GIMP. I'm sorry it hurts your eyes.

If you guys are curious about what's going on, have sneak peeks or bonus renders, join the discord server.

Probably didn't exercised or studied in your room. Try that.

Cheers m8
No worries, cooking something for our boy.

Yes, make a new comment with what I can help you with, or join the Discord server.

I think you got your answer in the discord server.

Sorry for the late reply! I've been extremely busy these past days. To flee Fumiko's house, you have to speak with both Fumiko and Satsuki during different times of the day. You know you're making progress, because after talking with them, time will advance (ex. Morning > Afternoon).

No. The unique lewds can be seen using Memories (for Kasumi). The repeatable ones, just start them with the girls.

Talk to the Mysterious VI in your room.

I was updating the links

I was updating the links :x

That's a Sunday Event, focus on your own hints.

Check Discord

It's a Sunday event, it occurs on it's own (during Sunday) if the conditions are met. Read your own hints to see what you're missing.

After Sakura, Ai and Hibiki

Go to the Street during morning.

Talk to Kasumi in her room.

House Improvements, Enable Second Building

Open Map, go there

Wait a few days, she appears on her own.

Go to Kaori/Yuri, purchase the massage book. Learn it. Give Kasumi 3 massages. Go to the "street" during afternoon.

Low Quality uses image compression. The file sizes are a lot lower, but the image quality is worse. This is helpful for those that sadly don't have good internet speed. The content of each build is the same.

In your UI there's an icon with an eye, that's "Other Perspective". You need to watch them to unlock the memories.

Living room in the second building at night

Go to your room, exercise and study

That one, and the previous two, appear on their own during Saturday.

Go to the store, you can buy a massage book. Learn it. Give Kasumi 3 massages. Then go to the Street during afternoon.

I was going to explain to you how you are wrong in so many levels, but decided to check if you were a troll first or not (your comments are public), but looking at how you just spread hate across many DEV's comment section, I just won't bother.


There will be more dates.

I pushed them back to change how you can progress with them and how their stories develop. Trust the process.

Mobile has low quality PNGs

You have to watch Other Perspective.
Also, update the game.

I just tried with my phone, it downloaded and installed just fine. Make sure Play Protect is deactivated. It blocks unknown APKs, like this one.

Nagisa and Megumi.
You need to exercise and study in your room.

Image Compression. The 700mb looks worse.
On mobile devices makes no difference, with their small screens, you don't notice it.

A small price to pay to have everything organized in a single screen. Now you can read your own hints, or view different profiles without having to press "Return" constantly.

The characters of HR are separated in three categories.
The main nine heroines, who live with you and get most of the focus.
The side heroines, who have some story and events.
And the EXTRA characters, who are just there for support roles. These don't have much story, or events, and are tied to someone else entirely. That's why they don't get their own profile, hints and stats.

In the front door there's always an option to leave.