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I wonder what is the maximum average number of codes you can input into the elevator during the final chase before Marzia catches you, because I don't want to risk going all the way back to the elevator very late  in the game after 7-9 notebooks and risk an ultrasonic Marzia ostrich charge with Doggos encounter at the same time. I hope you can put like 4 or 5 codes maximum in the final chase of boi mode.

When I tried last time, it felt like you could do it with 2-3 numbers left during the final chase. But if you have to put in 3 numbers, it can be very, very close.


I was able to put 2 codes in during chase on Brainiac difficulty. Not 0 or 10...

With the limited number range, I think it's possible to put 5 in at once on lower difficulties. Key door shortcut and quick fingers needed.