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awesome, I love seeing pictures of what people build. Thanks for the post and the feedback! I added it all to my to do list . I will definitely be adding in more interesting things to do while playing, like money and object names. I will be posting a major update to the game in the next few weeks with that!

When you said it's laggy- was it that way from the start, or only once you placed a bunch of objects down?

A discord is a good idea, I will message you if I end up creating one :)

the lag was felt throughout these process:

  1. I select an object
  2. Then I drag it to place in the land
  3. As I re-position my cursor to the object, the lag gone.

Probably a footage would explain better. I'll try to upload my gameplay tomorrow and link it to you then :)

that would be awesome!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hii. Here is the gameplay footage from me. You can see how it's laggy when I tried to place an object, and stopped when I move my cursor back. Currently this gameplay is still unlisted, and will be available later for public on Friday, 25 March 2022, at 01 PM (UTC+7). Anyway, I hope this could help you find the bug(s) :)

thank you so much!!! that is super helpful for debugging :)

you are welcome~ looking forward for upcoming updates :)