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Original idea that makes me want to try it ! Unfortunately, I found the controls and UI quite confusing. For example, as the game ask the player 3 selections (body part to use, ennemy body part, type of action), I was expecting after the selections some way to confirm the action (with enter or space) rather than the action action directly been executed after the third selection. Also, after the max number of turns exceed, the game continue. I suppose you pass to the next opponent but if so it lacks some kind of message to announce it. The effect of yours actions and opponent actions could also be more explicit. With the many body parts and actions available, and the possibility to grab/release some of them, the mechanics seems very rich and could be fun and intersting to explore with a more intuitive UI and better feedback of what happens.

Thanks for the feedback. I was worried about UI while developing about it but forgot about it when I was crunching. If I come back and fix up the game to be more polished I would focus on all of the things you said here, because you really hit the nail on the head for my issues with it.