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Gameplay: I was utterly confused, to be honest. I spent a good fifteen minutes, but I did not understand what to do all -- Yes, I read the description and the in-game commands.

Art: For a text adventure, the UI was not good; it just does not feel very polished (Please do not take offense). 

Audio: Quite good.

Theme: From what I understood, you did a good job on the theme.

Devlog, VERY good.

(1 edit)

I apologize about the poor instructions. Were you just not able to get responses when you typed?

If you wanna give it another go, I'd be happy to explain anything that wasn't clear when playing it.

The responses worked fine, but they were the same half of the time. I could not figure out how to find items or what to do. I will give the game another shot later. 

Ok let me know if you have any questions. I meant to include a walkthrough in the download, but I ran out of time. At the start of the game you can start by taking the picture, examing it, and going east.