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Thank you! I hope, you like it! In any case, even if the game does not like. I would like to hear your opinion about it.

I'll give it a go when I can find some time. :-)

Had a quick look and though it's not particularly my sort of game, I've enjoyed working bits out and the graphics are very pleasing.  Not having a save function is extremely harsh though,  I hope you are planning to add at least some kind of savegame functionality for the full game!   (If this isn't the full game?  The filename says its a demo...?)

There is no saving in this part of Hanon.  The game due to the absence of saving and ticking time keeps the player in suspense)

Is it possible to at least pause the game?  Having a non-savable and non-pausable game would render it almost unplayable for people with kids!  (Well, unless the kids were asleep of course... or in another country! :-D)

think about it

Okay yeah, when you Alt-Tab out the clock doesn't continue counting down.  Okay ;p