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Hey Kirill, great work with the R3 and thank you for adding the borrow dialogue feature, it works great! Awesome!

My only concern now is: how to both borrow a dialogue and  then make a go_to *after* the dialogue is complete.

For instance :

- I create a terrain map

- I borrow dialogues from block1, for instance : "You open the door..."

- block1 contains a go_to block2 after its dialogue

- block2 dialogues are then correctly display but the scene stays the same, i.e., the background image is still the terrain map. For instance: "You are now standing in a new room..." and the image is still the previous room.

Do you see the idea?

Thank you!


Sorry, I made a error, forgot to add the hide map feature.

I think you need something like this?

I fixed the issue, but the updated version is only available online on github:

In a few days I will make a release for other platforms, forgive me for this inconvenience )


Thank you! Yes, exactly, I'll try it out. And no problem, thank you so much for your work! 👍


Excellent Kirill, I've tested and everything works! Thanks so much! Can't wait to put it in use!