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This is terrific :)

I really hope you keep developing it after the jam — it seems like there's huge potential for inventive puzzles. The penultimate level was particularly good!

FWIW The pathing puzzle at the end is a bit disappointing, but only because it's in tension with puzzlescript's undo function and fingertip solving. The second of the unused puzzles in the source seemed like a more elegant and expansive way to test understanding; it's like you've built a lock with the downward fans and the positioning of the ice blocks sets the pins that will unlock it.


Thanks! :) It does seem to be a nice set of mechanics to design puzzles with - maybe the strong physical metaphor helps.

I’ve added another level using the one way gates, as my collaborator is keen on the idea (it’s probably a bit over the top, but I tried to make it interesting). It’s not something I would have come up with but I do think there is some charm/humour to trusting the player to think it through (as long as it doesn’t get tedious).

I think my problem with the level in the source was the current fan graphics make it a bit noisy - but I do like the idea of it, mainly just ran out of time.


I'm glad you liked Toombler's idea ! I tried my best to find interactions with different states and other objects that could come in use.


The shifting states make for a nice complication in the puzzles when you're trying to figure out the end-state. It's also really pleasingly physical, especially some of the interactions with steam (poor redperson, burned through my mistakes!).


I managed to solve this level without engaging with one of the temperature plates and think I might have found an unintended solution?

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That’s intended, as far as I know there is no way to win while getting the plate (and hence why I put it there).

ahh, of course, you'd get trapped when the ice melts :)

Exactly :D

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You played the first levels, so yes !