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The missing letters this time are "luoyknaht". I'm not sure, if those are all of them. But what does this mean? Maybe you have to get them into a specific order?

(1 edit) (+2)

Maybe its supposed to be russian letters and(me being an idiot when it comes to foreign languages) we might have to convert them to the russian alphabet, or im just thinking way to deep into this...


Some letters are missing.

Hey Mrdrnose did you get the 54 dollars i donated? Just curious if you got my donatio


"Thankyoul" backwards. Not sure what the extra letter is for.


Oh yeah... Could have found that one out, if I wouldn't be that stupid and lazy. XD Great job, Botonaline!


I pointed it out first :(


Yeah, I saw it. 😅


No prob. Lol