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Thank you so much for reaching out to me! This was such a fun game. It certainly gave me some Echo the Dolphin/Survival Horror vibes to it. Plus the side scrolling swing on the double jumps was a nice touch. Also loved that you have to hide in the deep grass, and that it takes some strategizing on how to get passed. 

My only complaint is that the double jump is a little to touchy and it's fairly easy to accidentally hit that extra jump when you don't mean to. That and I wanted more, as I was just getting into the story. I look forward to the full game once it's fully funded, and I hope it truly does. It has so much polish and promise. 

P.S I realized I had played one of your previous titles The Littlest Penguin, and that was a blast as well. I put this up as one of my Showcases for developers. Everyone I do recommend this, and not because I was reached out to, but because this demo is incredibly polished, and was so much fun to play. 

Thank you so much for playing my game on your channel! Your feedback definitely helps make the game better - it seems the jumping as it sits currently has been confusing for a few players, particularly on the pillar challenge. Working on something a long time you get pretty 2nd nature with the mechanics, so fresh eyes are certainly a must to avoid tunnel vision. I'm actually pretty into Ecco myself and even use some of the Ecco music in some of my games like "Blood Bath Bay" and "Diver Down" ( also undersea horror projects ). Appreciate the video!


Oh no problem. I got raised on platformers, so the jumping mechanic was pretty easy to pick up. May just be sensitivity on how easy it is hot that double jump than the mechanic itself. Just takes a few tries. Honestly my favorite mechanic was the hiding in the grass. Such a dynamic moment.

 I will also have to check out those other titles if anything to hear that nostalgic music.

 Let me know if you ever finish this title, or any other projects in the pipeline. I'd love to give them a whirl.