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On what page did you click the"Verify my account" button? I can check to see if there's an issue with it. In the meantime, can you try clicking again here:

If you're still not getting something then I recommend checking your spam box as it might have been caught my your email provider or client.


I'm also having this problem, and the email isn't appearing in the spam folder either.


Sorry about that, could you try once more? There was a bug that was recently introduced that was preventing the email from being sent.

It works now, thanks!

I, too, am having this issue. Clicking from provided link. Not showing up in spam folder, either. Thank you for your assistance.


Could you try again, there was a a recent change that was blocking the emails from going out.

I talked with support and they got it manually verified. Glad to hear you all found the source of the problem!

That was the link I was using, seems you found the problem though - thank you for fixing it so quickly :) (and I had already checked spam; I presume it will work now - if it doesn't I'll reply again though :) - thank you again :)