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I was told to post this by someone in the comments of my "Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski v0.0.8a-a2.2 - Exploring the new update! (#18)" video, it is filled with I believe requests, things to add, and bug fixes.

What I was told to post:

The Game in whole:
Add echo to Headteacher's "No entering staff only rooms' dialogue
Adjust Headteacher's sprite so she doesn't look like she's floating
Death screens to Phonty, Doggo, and Sanity deaths
Items not going into your tool belt (This is a major bug for me)

Math level:
Fix the items that spawn on the overturned desks beside Smile Wolf's window (I can't pick them up)
Fix the camera angle during the 'Boiling in the Cauldron' death

Language level:
More Lockers
Classroom windows
Subtitles foe Marzia during the first language notebook
Areas accessible only by teleporting doors (Like the area beside the Cafeteria in the Math level)
More secret areas
Items that cause characters to instantly kill you if seen holding it (Like Albert's body parts, and the artifacts)
A character that helps you complete the lessons faster (Like Albert in the Math level)


This is a very good list, i agree with alot of the things on this list.

I'm glad you agree to my ideas. (Yes, I'm the one who asked MIX to post my list here. I've finally decided to create my own account here.)