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I finally finished the second half of MIX_UP_GAMERS's language level map for all you grammar rookies out there! It was a real pain in the anus (I don't have one) because of trying to get the rooms and corridors to be as proportionate and accurate as possible without causing any overlappings while at the same time trying to avoid the gay mannequin that's constantly chasing me. Here's a tip for all you language rookies:

Always have the map open on an illustration window like Windows Paint, pause the game after checking all the rooms in each corridor, press the windows button to quickly go to the illustration window with your map, draw different symbols on the rooms you've already checked (one symbol for no notebooks, one symbol for math notebooks, and one symbol for language notebooks) to keep track of the rooms you've already visited, and ALWAYS REMEMBER TO WRITE DOWN OR RECORD YOUR LANGUAGE TABLET ELEVATOR CODES IN ORDER! I do wish MIX would make a bunker map as well so I can find the compass, gas mask, and exit a lot easier.


Nice work pluto, the map is very well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

Good job on completing the map, I just kind of got bored of making it after a certain point and stopped, so I really appreciate it.  Sadly, though, I actually had certain rooms color coded to say which rooms contained which kind of notebooks, like the blue were the rooms that could have Math notebooks, the light green could contain Language notebooks, the straight green ALWAYS contained Language Notebooks, and the pink contained both.  Instead of coloring which rooms were locked, I would just change the color of the door to represent their properties.  The orange rooms in the top half were the rooms used by the head teacher, the dark green was supposed to be a landmark for the outside, and some more things were corresponded with other colors.

Also, the second half of the map is scaled larger in width and height (more on width, though), as the endless hallway goes on for about 2-3 times the size of the second half, the two areas would run into each other if they were that size.  The reason I didn't put the full length of the endless hallway is because it would make the image unnecessarily large, then taking up a lot more space on the page than needed.

Those details are more of a nitpick, though, as if you were using he map to get around it wouldn't matter as much.  The colors are the main problem with the second half.  Good job!


Huh. I thought the orange rooms were basically any of the staff-only rooms. Oh, and I knew that the blue rooms contained math notebooks, but because the notebook type spawns are so random, and the fact that I rarely explore the bottom half of the map, I didn't know which rooms contained which notebook. I want to try being the first to get the language level ending WITHOUT Viktor, because no one has done that yet, and I think there is an achievement for it. I want to be on the leaderboard for that.

I want to try beating language without Viktor, too. Let‘s see who‘s faster.

Nice job, man! I always got lost in the part of the level that wasn’t on the map before. Thank you very much for finally completing it!