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(1 edit) (+2)

***Made for fun. Really long read***

Geometry Teacher: Francis Wrinklebert (somewhat random name).

Threat level ranges from low to very high.

Normal appearance. Looks like he was on vacation: Hawaiian shirt, light-brown shorts, sandals. Features that change later: Blacked-out sunglasses, light skin, grinning smile, and his heavily bandaged left arm. Very chill personality. Subtitles would be green.

Evil appearance. Blacked-out glasses disappear, heavy veins under eyes. Light skin turns pale, can notice chipped skin. Exaggerated smile, malicious grin. Bandages gone, majority of arm is a bladed weapon, missing an arm basically.

Main Mechanics: Once triggered. Francis walks towards the player. Can gain or lose strength, spawns items and/or notebooks look-alikes throughout the map.

Gives himself away by tapping the ground with bladed weapon, metal clash. Very loud, not frequent. Lowest speed is slightly greater than players exhaust-walk (speed after player runs a bunch).

Evil Levels: Assume the teacher has a bar that maxes at 200 Evil points. He has 4 levels of Evil, starting on Evil 1 after getting triggered. He slowly gains Evil points when looking directly at the player from any distance or a bunch when player touches a look-alike. Evil points deplete very slowly when not gaining. Evil levels switch sprite accordingly.

(lowest, least gruesome) Evil 1 <-> Evil 2 <-> Evil 3 <-> Evil 4 (highest, most gruesome)

Stalking: Here are all 4 levels.

Can kill player in any of these when making contact.

Evil 1: (0-50 points)

  • No speed bonus.
  • Bladed weapon touches ground every 7 seconds.

Evil 2: (51-100 points)

  • 10% speed bonus.
  • Player viewing distance cut by 25% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
  • Bladed weapon touches ground every 4 seconds.

Evil 3: (101-150 points)

  • 25% speed bonus.
  • Player viewing distance cut by 50% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
  • Bladed weapon touches ground every 2 seconds.
  • Players vital recovery rate is 80% slower when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.

Evil 4: (151-200 points)

  • 50% speed bonus.
  • Player viewing distance cut by 75% when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
  • Bladed weapon touches ground every 0.5 seconds.
  • Players vital recovery rate is 80% slower when directly looked at up-close and a duration after player escapes chase.
  • Will break doors when passing through, even if magnetized.

Look-alikes: They look like your normal items or objectives, but have differences with color, texture, shape, detail, size, etc… Interacting gives the teacher 30 Evil points instantly while leaving behind a negative effect. They spawn and de-spawn after 2 minutes or so.

Cursed Items: Can take the form of non-secretive items. Appears on random desk spawns, not in trashcans/lockers or fixed locations. Interacting causes it to lock an inventory slot for a duration. Can’t be removed in anyway, must wait for it to disappear.

Cursed Notebooks: Can take the form of past and current teacher notebooks. Appears on empty notebook spawns. Interacting causes it to play a minigame. Submit the correct sequence of shapes and you’ll go free, no penalties for wrong answers, just wastes time.

Anger Affects: Continuing to get wrong answers causes worse things.

  • Evil gain rate from stalking increases. Evil depletion rate decreases.
  • Player viewing distance and vital recovery rate penalty duration increases.
  • Look-alikes become harder to detect, impossible if you made too many mistakes.
  • Item slot lock duration increases.
  • Minigame from notebook curse becomes harder.

Weakness: Hitting the teacher with…lemon berry, flash bang, flash-mine, or bird poop stuns him. He will also lose Evil points and negative affects begin to ware off as if not in chase. Some items need you to aim for the eyes, some don’t. Blinding Francis is the weakness itself.

Geometry Notebook: There are 10 as usual, each notebook has a series of shapes that have missing labels to edit. Shapes appear on the big screen, below are all possible pages for this notebook. Buttons include editing tools, page navigation, and a submit page button.

Buttons: Tools can only be used on yellow areas, what’s in yellow is what you click or have clicked.

  • Single, Double, and Triple Marks – Left column, first three buttons down in order. Can edit sides of shapes with the corresponding mark selected.
  • Number Insert – Left column, fourth button down. Can edit angle and side length values.
  • Single, and Double Angle Marks – Right column, first two buttons down in order. Can edit angle arcs within shapes with the corresponding mark selected.
  • Right Angle Mark – Right column, third button down. Can edit angle marks with a right angle.
  • Letter Insert – Right column, fourth button down. Can edit unit labels and shape info.
  • Forward, and Back Page – Contains arrows symbols. Can move forward increasing page number or backward decreasing page number, one page at a time.
  • Submit Page – Says “SUBMIT PAGE” in black. Can submit the current page you’re on.

Notebook Completion: Must submit all pages provided in Geometry notebook, whether right or wrong. Doesn’t matter what over they are submitted, you can work on any page in any order.

Notebook Difficulty Progression: As more Geometry notebooks are collected. Edits needed per page and pages per notebook increase by an amount. Examples below:

  • (1/10) – 1 edit per page, 4 pages total.
  • (2/10) – 2 edits per page, 4 pages total.
  • (3/10) – 2 edits per page, 5 pages total.
  • (ect…)

Other Difficulties: Variation of possible edits increase. First Geometry notebook requires only number and letter editing while late ones require more editing tools. Also, shape size and complexity increase as well as the Geometry teacher getting angrier. For glitchy question reasons.

The teacher mechanic was mainly inspired from a DbD killer. Hope mrdrnose is feeling alright.


Really cool. Nice idea man!


Yeah, cool idea!

(1 edit) (+2)

Edited comment above.


Brings back memories of 9th grade. I hope mrdrnose sees this. It would give him a better idea of what his image of the geometry level would look like, if he decides to keep the geometry subject in the game. The game should have like 7-8 classes total, 'cuz that's the minimum number of class periods that most schools have. Do they have 7-8 periods in Russian schools, just wondering? BTW, I'm actually an 11th grader and my current math class is "statistics and business decision making."