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the dj of the future will be a well respected member of the community

*intense music plays*


I fucking love Phonty!


I think Phonty is cool, too. But I also hate him, because he’s always the one that kills me in language level. And if Phonty doesn‘t kill me, it’s Cleany who shoves me right into Marzia‘s stomach mouth.


I love phonty but he can be really annoying for sure


Top ten anime characters that could defeat Thanos (even without the infinity gauntlet).


also i was trying to get a picture of this for a friend, was waiting for it to happen before i got a notebook, remember that theres now a weird rat wall blocking the door. so i get a notebook. turn around GET SCARED HALF TO DEATH BY PHONTY LIKE 2 INCHES IN FRONT OF MY FACE and then hastily take a screenshot of it