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Wow thanks for making a video! I'm actually working on a proper sequel in my spare time! Progress example:

Woah that looks cool! Can't wait to see how it evolves.

Hey great work on the current version. I love the slashchicken and the Mother Russia bug. I have a few questions tho. Are the extra blocks that are in the way of your progress apart of the game and im just really stupid, or is it a bug in the random generator? I'm very happy with your work and I hope you keep working on this. Thanks!

hey thanks! It's actually a bug in the generator. :( 

However if I remember correctly, you can destroy (and create) blocks with the mouse. It's a little debug thing I forgot to remove. But for thjs situation it's quite helpful! 

Thx for responding. I actually want to try what u said. Maybe it could be an idea for puzzles in your latest work. Thx again for responding.