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Hi Adelina!

That sounds like a really cool micro RPG idea!

As for how much of the SRD to include, I usually plug in a slightly condensed version which covers Actions, Conditions, Skills, Character Creation, Distances and Sizes. It’s basically the same Rules section in all of my games, with minor adjustments based on the setting. That said, if you’re worried about it getting too long for your game, you can absolutely leave stuff out that you don’t think you’ll need, or do a Guarden and just link to the SRD 😄. Probably the most important things to keep are the character creation section, and how to perform Actions (spend EP / test your luck). 

I don’t have a Discord dedicated to this jam but I do have a general Penflower Ink one, for friends, other artists and designers I know, and patrons. If you / anyone else is interested in joining, let me know via DM on Twitter (@tomfummo) or here and I will send you an invite link!