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So I was having the issue with text not going away and just overlapping and I thought it was a bug:

So I hit escape to take this screenshot, but then when I clicked back into the game it corrected itself and I realized it wasn't a bug at all, I just had to click the left mouse button to get the dialogue to go away. I think you should have taught that to the player or at least include it in the game page description, because this is a really cool take on the theme and I was on the edge of my seat. You did an excellent job of building anticipation and anxiety.

I love that the radar has a time limit on it before you can use it again. I have to ask, is there really a monster? I was able to escape fine and right after I read the "it may have escaped line" I started booking it scared already, but then I was right at the exit. I might revisit to see what happens if it finds me. That's how you know you did a great job. I want to jump back in. Excellent entry. Good atmosphere.


Thanks for the thorough comment. There is a prompt to click to make the text go away but based off of how many people had this issue I definitely needed to make it more obvious or have it under every text box. There is a monster but I think I made it a little too easy to escape. I wanted to make sure the game wasn't frustrating or confusing so I erred on the side of more doable. Again, based on the comments here I could have made it a bit more challenging. I'm glad you liked it though, thanks for playing!